[Kali linux][Settings]Infinite login loop bug and How to fix it

So close to reinstall the entire system!
N2I -2020.04.25


I run apt-get install upgrade yesterday, but my system when into a Infinite login loop after I restart the computer (In VMware). Though I type in the correct password, it shows up another login page instead of desktop. So how to fix it?

Step1: Ctrl+Alt+F1

If you are using Vmware or other Virtual machine, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 instead. Enter your Username and Password and login to your system.


root@NZI:~# dpkg --configure -a
root@NZI:~# sudo apt-get update
root@NZI:~# sudo spt-get upgrade
root@NZI:~# sudo reboot


  • dpfg --configure -a Will configure/fix corrupted package installation/update

After reboot, you should can login in as usual. This problem can be fixed by dpfg --configure -a, you will be alright after this.

Step3: Login in as usual

Now you can login in as usual!

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